What is Flash Mobile?

We are the only direct sales mobile phone company

We have a prepaid offer that fits you and with which you can have additional Mobile Service Balance thanks to our customer recommendation program Strive for 5*.

In August 2018 we went to the Colombian market with the support of ACN, a world leader in direct sales with more than 28 years of experience in 27 countries.

We work through the social relationships of our users under a scheme in which they can start their independent business and become our official distributors (Brand Leaders). You can get your Flash SIM Card with them.


You don’t know a Brand Leader?

Then check this out:

-Go to our official Facebook fan page: @FlashOficialCO

-Write in one of our posts with the hashtag #QuieroMiFlash

-Soon one of our Brand Leaders will contact you to explain every detail

What are you waiting for!

Switch to Flash Mobile now and stop paying too much for your service.

*An additional Mobile Service Balance will be applied to your account in the calendar month following the calendar month of consumption. The additional Mobile Service balance to be applied to your account will be the average calendar month consumption of the highest 5 Recommended Customers by you during the calendar month, up to the maximum amount which is equal to your consumption in the calendar month. It is essential that the Recommended Customers and you, have a minimum consumption of $16.800 COP during the calendar month, to receive the additional Mobile Service Balance. The consumption in mobile service may include; plans, bundles and/or consumption on demand (standard rate) during a calendar month. Program Strive for 5 is valid since April 1st., 2024.

Learn more about ACN
